compound word for 'boarding'
compound word, boarding has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are boar, and ding. Boarding in Pig Latin is said as "oardingbay or oardingbway".
Boarding has a compound word with- ''board + ing''
When two or more words join to create a single word or a phrase that functions as a single word, the result is a compound word. Compound words are frequently seen in phrases like "ice cream," "firefighter," and "up-to-date." A compound word is created by joining two or more words, hyphens included or not. It communicates a unit notion that is not as rapidly or communicated by the constituent words in an unconnected success-ion.
Boarding is a 'Noun'.(gerund) -the process of boarding a ship or aircraft with passengers and personnel. synonyms include embarking and embarking. Debarkation, disembarkation, and disembarkment are synonyms. the process of crew and passengers leaving a ship or aircraft. Boarding - ''board'' + ''ing''.
'board' - is a verb that means to board a (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus)'ing' - to produce a bell-like sound; ring 2. Slang. to hit; strike.
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