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Behaviour & Appearance
Dog Scratch Reflex: Why Dogs Kick Their Legs During Belly Rubs
Dog Scratch Reflex: Why Dogs Kick Their Legs During Belly Rubs
Published by Jean Marie Bauhaus
5 December 2019
4 min read
You know just where that dog sweet spot is that gets your pup's leg moving. But what brings on that reflex? Are dogs ticklish? Does it itch? Does this dog scratch reflex indicate that they love it or hate it when you touch their bellies?
Through some investigation, researchers have found a scientific reason why dogs get their kicks from a good ol' scratch session.
What Is a Dog Scratch Reflex?
Woman rubs her white dogs belly while sitting on a brown leather sofa.The scratch reflex is an involuntary response that protects dogs from fleas, ticks and other sources of irritation, says Popular Science. A cluster of nerves located under the skin makes up the dog sweet spot. When you scratch your pet's tummy and hit this spot, these nerves get activated and send a message to the hind leg, via the spinal cord, to start kicking in an attempt to dislodge the source of irritation.
This doesn't necessarily mean your dog doesn't enjoy the sensation of being scratched in that spot. You can gauge your pup's level of enjoyment by paying attention to body language, Animal Planet suggests. Dogs who either don't like it or are tired of the sensation will typically try to move away. Also, a dog that frequently