English, asked by gaur28890, 7 months ago

Read the following Passage and Answer the Questions
An ont once fell from a tree into a shallow pool. The ont struggle
and thought it would drown. A pigeon sitting on a branch this. I
plucked a leaf and dropped it dose to the ant. The ont dibed on the
leaf and sailed away to safety "Thank you, pigeon," said the on,
never forget your help
A few days later the ent passed through a jungle. He saw a hunter
hiding behind a rock taking aim with his gun The hunter was going to
fue at a pigeon on a tres nearby. The ant saw that the pigeon was the
one who had soved his life
The ont humed to the hunter and dimbed up his leg Just as the
hunter pulled the trigger, the ont bit him. The hunter lost am and the
pigeon flew of "You're a good friend called the pigeon as it flew away
1 Who was about to drown?
2 What did the pigeon throw into the water?
3 Why was the hunter taking aim?
How did the ant spoil the hunter's aim?
5 Give a suitable title to the story.


Answered by poojanawani2079


1 The ant was about to drown.

2. The pigeon plucked a leaf and thrower it in the water.

3. The hunter was taking aim because he wanted to kill the pigeon sitting on the tree nearby.

4. The ant spoiled the hunter's aim as just when the hunter pulled the trigger, the ant bit him and saved the pigeon's life.

5. A good title for the story should be ' Real Friends '.

Hope this helps you!

Answered by bhangaresudhakar23

Answer:Give a suitable title to the story


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