English, asked by aanchit2454, 2 days ago

computer 300 essay without advantages and disadvantages


Answered by MayankMatere


Computer is one of the greatest invention of man. It is the coolest product of science and technology that has made our lives so easier. Computers are becoming omnipresent as we can find computers everywhere right from homes, schools, colleges, offices, laboratories to libraries, museums and even hospitals.

Computer is actually a machine that has the capacity to store large amount of data and can do numerous tasks in a much lesser time compared to humans. It collects input from users, processes it and delivers the expected result as output.

The first mechanical Computer was created by Charles Babbage. The important accessories of a computer are – Mouse, Keyboard, Central Processing Unit (CPU), and the Printer.

In today’s world, humans have become so dependent on Computers that it is impossible for them to live without it. What makes Computer so important is its usage, efficiency and easy accessibility. The amazing benefits of Computer makes it the most needed technological equipment.

Answered by GreatBhavya2009

A computer is an electronic device.We use computer At homes,hospitals,Schools,Banks,offices,colleges etc.It has made our life easier.We use computer in Education,business,Marketing etc.In corona period,Some people use computer to take online classes.Computer helps to communicate people around the world.

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