Computer Science, asked by santoshkhot0406, 1 month ago

Computer can work
than us.​


Answered by joinanu14

It’s predicted that computers could one day become smarter than humans, but we shouldn’t forget people power in the age of artificial intelligence

By Associate Professor Timothy Miller, University of Melbourne

“Machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do” – Herbert Simon (1965).

As a researcher in artificial intelligence (AI), people ask me about the ‘robot revolution’, often with serious misgivings about how the future could look for themselves or their children.

Considering the hype surrounding AI, automation and robotics, including influential thinking from the likes of Stephen Hawking, we could all be forgiven for assuming that in 10 years robots will have replaced us.

But is this fear warranted?

Most people underestimate the importance of human interaction. Even if AI lives up to the current hype, and I strongly doubt it will, there will still be a place for us.

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