computer shortcut krys
Alt+F File menu options in current program.
Alt+E Edit options in current program.
Alt+Tab Switch between open programs.
F1 View help information (F1 is used by almost every Windows program to display help).
F2 Rename a selected file.
F5 Refresh the current program window.
Ctrl+N Create a new or blank document in some software, or open a new tab in most Internet browsers.
Ctrl+O Open a file in the current software.
Ctrl+A Select all text.
hope its helpful
Alt+F File menu options in current program.
Ctrl+v Paste
Crtl+c copy
ctrl+z undo
ctrl+x cut
ctrl+s save
ctrl+y redo
Alt+E Edit options in current program.
Alt+Tab Switch between open programs.
F1 View help information (F1 is used by almost every Windows program to display help).
F2 Rename a selected file.
F5 Refresh the current program window.
Ctrl+N Create a new or blank document in some software, or open a new tab in most Internet browsers.
Ctrl+O Open a file in the current software.
Ctrl+A Select all text.