English, asked by kmiller2021, 5 hours ago

concede is to surrender as succeed is to please answer quick


Answered by khushipruthi001



surrender verb

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Synonyms & Antonyms of surrender (Entry 1 of 2)

1to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress

the toddler surrendered the doll to her mother after a brief struggle

the commander surrendered the garrison without having fired a single shot

Synonyms for surrender

cede, cough up, deliver, give up, hand over, lay down, relinquish, render, turn in, turn over, yield

Words Related to surrender

commit, consign, entrust (also intrust), transfer

forfeit, release, waive

abnegate, renounce, resign

abandon, desert, discard, forsake, part (with), shed

Near Antonyms for surrender

keep, retain, withhold

2to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control)

the father refused to surrender to his son's constant begging for a BB gun

Synonyms for surrender

blink, bow, budge, capitulate, concede, give in, knuckle under, quit, relent, submit, succumb, yield

Words Related to surrender



Phrases Synonymous with surrender

say uncle, throw in the towel (also throw in the sponge)

Near Antonyms for surrender

contend, fight, hold off

battle, breast, combat, confront, counter, defy, face, meet, object, oppose, repel

thwart, withstand

Antonyms for surrender


3to give up (as a position of authority) formally

the aging queen refused to surrender the throne to her increasingly impatient heir

Synonyms for surrender

abdicate, abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step aside (from), step down (from)

Words Related to surrender

abjure, demit, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, waive

forsake, give up, hand over, yield

abandon, desert, quit, vacate

Near Antonyms for surrender

appropriate, arrogate, assume, claim, confiscate

seize, take over, usurp, wrest

defend, guard, protect, safeguard, secure

4to give up and cease resistance (as to a liking, temptation, or habit)

determined to give up smoking, she so far has not surrendered to her incessant desire to have a cigarette

Synonyms for surrender

bow, cave (in), give in, submit, succumb, yield

Words Related to surrender

cater (to), gratify, indulge, wallow

acquiesce (to), concede (to)

buckle (under), knuckle under

give over (to)

Near Antonyms for surrender

battle, breast, combat, confront, counter, defy, face, fight, meet, object, oppose, repel

thwart, withstand


bridle, check, constrain, curb, inhibit, restrain, stifle

Antonyms for surrender

hold off, resist

5to yield to the control or power of enemy forces

General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865, thus ending the Civil War

Synonyms for surrender

capitulate, fall, give up, knuckle under, submit, succumb

Words Related to surrender

bow, buckle, cave (in), collapse, give (in)

hand over, relinquish


concede, fail, fold

Near Antonyms for surrender

buck, defy, fight, oppose, repel, resist, withstand

beat, overcome, win

conquer, prevail, triumph

Antonyms for surrender

endure, stand

6to give (oneself) over to something especially unrestrainedly

laid-off workers who surrender themselves to despair will almost certainly never regain their footing

Synonyms for surrender

abandon, deliver, give up, indulge, yield

Words Related to surrender

overdo, overindulge

bask, luxuriate, revel, roll, wallow

Near Antonyms for surrender

abstain (from), eschew, forbear, forgo (also forego), refrain (from)

check, inhibit, restrain

Antonyms for surrender


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