Concept chart of laws related to women
These laws protect the women and their rights.
The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
According to Research carried out for protection of rites of Women, about 47% of girls are married prior to age of 18.
Special Marriage Act, 1954:
To provide a special form of marriage in few cases, and to provide for registration of marriages common to all.
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961: this act can penalize both the parties ,who are taking or giving of dowry before marriage to the bride or the bridegroom.
Indian Divorce Act, 1969:
The Act allow the marriage resolution and separation of marriage judicially.
Maternity Benefit Act,1861:
Regulates the women employment and benefits maternity.
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act,1971:
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redress) Act, 2013:
The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 - The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act was made effective in 2007.
This act defines child marriage as a marriage where the groom or the bride are underage, that is, the bride is under 18 years of age or the boy is younger than 21 years.
Special Marriage Act, 1954 -The objectives of this act is to provide – a special form of marriage in certain cases, provide for registration of certain marriages and, to provide for divorce.
In a country like India and with the diverse religions and cast, when people from different faiths and caste chose to get married they do it under the Special Marriage Act. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
According to this act, taking or giving of dowry at the time of the marriage to the bride or the bridegroom and their family is to be penalised.
Dowry system, giving and taking of dowry, is a norm in India.
Dowry is often asked of the bride and her family by the groom and his family.
The system has taken strong roots because women after marriage move in with their spouse and in-laws.
Also, over the centuries, the lack for economic independence of women and the taboo towards divorce has resulted in bride burning.
When demands for dowry even after marriage are not met by the girl’s families, many women are tortured, beaten and even burnt.