Conclusion about the role that the media plays in perpetuating colourism in society
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From your responses I gather that you have nothing but bigotry against Whites, racist invective, leftist talking points and rhetoric with which to make your arguments. At this point in your professional career, one could reasonably assume that you would have sat on dissertation boards; would any of those be acceptable defenses coming from a student? As such, why are they the only tools in your toolbox for making a point against someone whose grade you do not control? Has anyone ever stopped their cowering behind political correctness and disagreed with or stood up to you before? The methods you use to oppose me create the appearance that this is not the case, or that it has been quite a long time since you have encountered someone willing to stand up to your racist bullying. Your statements bypassed reasoned discourse and went straight to personal attacks. That demonstrates a lack of substantive argument or a defensible thesis. In my statements I do not seek a "denial [of] racial matters"; if anything I seek to expand the scope of coverage in the discussion. If there is any denial going on here, it is the proponent of the supremacy of "primary racism" which seeks to excuse any "reactionary" racism done by Blacks, and fails to even comment on any racism done by those not Black or White. It is unacceptable whoever is doing it, and there are no degrees of propriety based on racist principles like certain skin colors getting a pass which you propose.
When I mentioned that white supremacy is not in the mainstream culture of America, what I meant by that is actual racial supremacists, such as yourself or the kkk, are statistical outliers. That means they are not mainstream, or a part of the fabric of the culture. By their views and practices statistical outliers have absented themselves from the mainstream by definition. Surely you have noticed in your travels that racial supremacists are by far the minority and although more vocal are not more numerous. Climbing down from the ivory tower once in a while and actually interacting with the population you purport to serve might be beneficial to both you and them, but I acknowledge the inconvenience this would cause to your views and schedule and thus acknowledge the likelihood.
I asked a friend of mine who is from Mexico City about the Mayans, and she answered that there are still descendants and native speakers of the Mayan language in the Yucatan and Cancun areas today, would you care to try that again? This is just an example of better fact checking that I would expect from someone with your credentials. I have an aunt and uncle who live on East Coast Cherokee lands that are still held and administered by the tribe. I don't have sources for the Incas or the Maroons, so I will not pretend that I do and comment on them, despite that being a popular theme here. Frantz Fanon is presumably referring to Dunbar with his title, specifically the poem "We wear the mask". It's amazing what a little interdisciplinary research can accomplish or how it can broaden one's narrow horizons. I looked up a synopsis of Charles Mills' book, and anyone who believes that Europeans as a category (which is in itself racist and factually inaccurate due to migration and demographic changes beginning in the early 19th century with the voluntary abolition of slavery in the British Empire, something else you might wish to consider looking up) can agree on anything is delusional and “not living in the same universe”. The European Union is a particularly cruel joke played by the banks and finance ministries against the citizens of the multiple states or "tribes" as Dr. Mills refers to them of continental Europe, and does not represent anything like a racial agreement. The history of continental Europe is one of constant warfare among themselves, and rivalries as bitter as any imaginable elsewhere. Historical research and fact-checking does not seem to be Dr. Mills' strong suit either. If you are willing to swallow that without question, do you also believe the Jews really wrote The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? The level of bigotry and racist invective which has no basis in empirical evidence or fact exhibited by racial activism instructors or leaders against people whom they know nothing about except their skin color continues to astound me with its racist hypocrisy.
Perhaps you can answer a question for me; if the United States is so racist and terrible, why not leave? Surely your credentials could secure you a place in another country's university where you could spout racist hatred of Whites while earning a great salary and comfortably secure tenure. .