Conclusion for concept of creativity and learning material for fosting creativity.
Creativity can be defined as the act of approaching a problem or task in an unique, smart way and generate solutions for it. In other words creativity is doing something different to portray one's individuality and perspective on different things. Creativity is turning ideas into reality and makes a creative person to stand out in the crowd.
In order to foster creativity in classrooms it is very much essential to embrace creativity as a part of learning. This can be achieve through:
Space for creativity - Raising a topic and conducting a brainstorming session on the same with the students.
Stimulating Curiosity - Finding out what drives a child and stimulating them to go deeper into it. For example: If a student shows interest in knowing about Space then the teacher has to encourage the child to read books on space and space crafts.
Information & Communication Technology plays a vital role in fostering creativity. New technologies provide new opportunities for knowledge and training as they enhance the learning and facilitate innovation and creativity for individuals as well as organisations. ICT helps to keep the pace between thinking and having ideas. ICT reduces the time wasted on thinking by eliminating the worst cases probabilities.
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Creativity isn't the result of a formula. ... As they do, they sharpen their individual capacity to create – what can often appear to an observer as their 'formula' or way of creating.