History, asked by ayushjain6, 1 year ago

Conclusion for history project topic on Similarities and distinguish between jainism and buddhism​


Answered by mihiralways2701

The similarities  between the two are as follows:

a. Similarities:

1. Both possessed the background of the Aryan culture and were inspired by the ascetic ideals and the philosophy of the Upanishads, particularly that of Sankhya-Yoga. Neglect of God or an atheistic attitude, pessimism or conviction that human life is full of misery, the doctrines of transmigration of soul and Karma (action or deed) and a kind of dualism between spirit and matter are common to Hindu-Sankhya philosophy, Jainism and Buddhism. Thus, the source of the philosophies of both was the same though both of them made certain changes in it.

2. Both were the products of intellectual, spiritual and social forces of their age and therefore, both stood up as revolts against the prevalent Brahmanical religion.


3. Both emerged in eastern India which by that time had successfully retained some features of the pre-Aryan culture. This partly explains the reason of their common place of origin and publicity’.

4. Both were started by the members of the Kshatriya caste and both appealed to the socially down-trodden, the Vaishvas who were not granted social status corresponding to their growing economic power, and the Sudras who were definitely oppressed.

5. Both, Mahavira and Buddha, the founders of Jainism and Buddhism respectively were Kshatriya princes and were able to get support for their cause from the contemporary ruling class, different Kshatriya rulers and economically prosperous Vaishvas.

6. Though both did not attack the caste system, they were opposed to it and therefore, drew large converts from the lower strata of the society.

7. Both opposed the ritualism and the sacrifices of Brahmanism and also challenged the supremacy of the Brahmanas.

8. Both believed that Nirvana or salvation of an individual meant his or her deliverance from the eternal chain of birth and death.

9. Both denied the authenticity of the Vedas as an infallible authority.

10. Both laid great stress upon a pure and moral life rather than practice of ritualism or even devotion to and worship of God as a means to attain salvation.

11. Both emphasized Ahimsa or non-violence.

12. Both accepted the doctrines of the transmigration of soul and Karma and emphasized the effects of good and bad Karmas (deeds) upon an individual’s future births and ultimate salvation which was accepted as the highest goal of life.

13. Both preached their religion in the common language of the people and discarded Sanskrit as the language of their early religious texts. The early Buddhist-texts were written in Pali and Jaina texts were written in Prakrat.

14. Both encouraged the idea of giving up the world and urged to lead the life of an ascetic.

15. Both organised orders for monks and nuns.


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