Social Sciences, asked by Sereve67, 7 months ago

Conclusion for Poaching in 60 words. ​


Answered by timnahasinik623


Overall,  poaching is wrong because many endangered animals will become extinct, it effects the circle of life and is a huge waste of valuable meat. Next time someone thinks poaching is not our problem, remind them that poaching is more harmful than what they may think. Mention that endangered animals are struggling to survive and need our help. Inform them poaching messes with our environment and wastes a huge amount of meat. Poaching is a illegal and an unkind act.

Answered by derenamanjha1234

Often, the animal being hunted is a rare or endangered animal, but even trophy hunting for wolves, … Though it was, at one time, a way of life so people could survive, today, hunting is a controversial issue because it is frequently regarded as a recreational activity. Poaching can have a devastating effect on animal populations. There are several […] Categories: Government . Animal poaching is the act of illegally capturing and killing animals and using them for trade. Animals . Animal poaching holds the number one spot for wild animal deaths, resulting in more than 50 percent of all deaths.

Poachers go after endangered species because the rarer the animal, the more valuable the trophy. Although poaching is mostly under control, the illegal poaching of many of animals is leading to mass extinction of some species of animals. This essay has been submitted by a student. This crime is committed forcommercial profit, meaning hunters kill animals illegally and sell their hidesand parts. poaching reasons Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. If we can encourage people, young and old, to respect this world and all its wonderful natural resources - then we might have the opportunity of saving at least some of the endangered species and wild places for the benefit of those who follow us. B . Poachers sometimes make holes to … Animal poaching is the act of StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes Poaching is wrong because many endangered animals will become extinct, it effects the circle of life and is a huge waste of valuable meat. But killing the animals that bear it, it totally uncalled for. Some people argue that animal poaching is a life style and should not be stopped. 1.Introduction to Rhinos: Rhinos are unique animals. If all these animals become extinct because of poaching, forests and grasslands that rely on the nutrients brought by animals that are being poached will have a hard time finding enough nutrients in other places to grow and make their food. There are 6 different rhino species (The White, Black, The greater one horned, Sumatran and the Javan Rhinos) around the world South Africa is home to two the Black and White Rhinos. Many other animal population levels have been halved, assuming that poachers have driven a species to extinction already. Poachers went after the African elephants because of their ivory and the prices that ivory could fetch. They are used for food, for clothes, wool, cosmetics, ornaments, fat, and decorations and even for sport. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. 1637 words .

In 2015, both Zimbabwe and Namibia suffered losses: Namibia lost 80 rhinos to poaching, up from 25 in 2014 and just two in 2012, while in Zimbabwe at least 50 rhinos were poached in 2015, more than double the previous year. Type of paper: Essay .

Wildlife Poaching . A Problem of Poaching in Africa .

In the 1980s the elephant’s population was over a healthy one million when poaching was barely a concern. Rhino Poaching Essay Sample. Poaching: Illegal Hunting By Unknown, Unknown, Unknown W hen you think ofenvironmental problems you probably think of pollution, but the poaching of wildanimals is one, too. Poaching is a complicated problem in Africa. Many people are concerned about safety issues, and society’s attitudes towards animals are changing. Although millions of acres are set aside by the African governments to protect wildlife, poaching, or the illegal hunting of protected animals, continues to be heavy, (The World & Its People, p577).

humans are destroying the world they live on, day by day Many wildlife conservation experts would agree that ivory brings a great deal of money.

Environment . One of the causes of the recent rise in poaching is the impact of China's economic boom. Bravo June 13, 2013 Animal Poaching Poaching is a very serious epidemic that affects all countries around the world. Conclusion.

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