conclusion of demerits of democracy
1. It sometimes leads to establish the majority view over the minority view.
2. Party leaders and political office holders in government control the citizens and the members of the party.
3. It does not encourage individuals to give their opinions.
4. It is a very expensive form of government because elections have to be conducted periodically to the various office.
5. It is difficult to prevent corruption and malpractices.
6. It is also known as government by amateurs and lead to the domination of the masses.
7. The decision-making process is slow in democracy as it involves long debates and deliberations in Parliament.
8. Self-discipline, a good conscience, and intellect are pre-requisites for every citizen to have a successful democratic society.
9. Self-interest is the most common and a majority of the people is unwilling to subordinate it to the general will of the community.
10. Democracy has been characterized by these critics as mobocracy, it produces quantity rather than quality. This rule of the majority has at times proved to be the most incompetent and worthless.
The world has been experimenting with so many systems of government, but no other system could satisfy the basic needs of the people. So, democracy has been accepted as the best form of government where a man can really enjoy equality of opportunity, liberty, and freedom.
Note: Democracy is a form of government where:
- Rulers elected by the people take all major decisions
- In this government elections offer a fair opportunity for people to elect their representatives and also to change their current representatives.
-The opportunity to choose their representatives is accessible for everyone on equal terms