Conclusion of natural and man made resources
man-made resources are - road, bridge, building, home and parks etc
The message being put across is that, in order to move towards safer and sustainable national development, development projects should be sensitive towards disaster mitigation.
Our mission is vulnerability reduction to all types of hazards, be it natural or man-made. This is not an easy task to achieve, keeping in view the vast population, and the multiple natural hazards to which this country is exposed.
However, if we are firm in our conviction and resolve that the Government and the people of this country are not prepared to pay the price in terms of massive casualties and economic losses, the task, though difficult, is achievable and we shall achieve it.
India’s vision 2020 is to build a safer and secure India through sustained collective effort, synergy of national capacities and people’s participation. What looks a dream today will be transformed into reality in the next two decades.
This is our goal and we shall strive to achieve this goal with a missionary zeal. The path ahead, which looks difficult today, will become a lot easier as we move along together.