Conclusion of the Vedic ages
Minecraft is the best game in the world.
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• The exact nature of the Saraswati-Sindhu civilisation and the early history of Brahmavarta, the region where the civilisation flourished.
• Why is Brahmavarta sacred to the Hindus? Was it the place where a strong priesthood first originated? Who or what was Brahma? How did he become Saraswati's husband?
• An uncontroversial and comprehensive decipherment of the Indus script, and establishment of its connection to the Brahmi script (this may be very difficult, as most inscriptions are small - the script seems to have been used mostly for business purposes). Why was the Saraswati (saras+wati) called thus and not Sarowati, as one would expect from the normal rules of conjugation?
• The consonances and dissonances of the ancient Indian and Iranian cultures and beliefs; why were the Indians sura, and the Iranians asura? Did they have a common origin? If so, how and when did they diverge?