conclusion on difference between tribe and caste
(a) A tribe theoretically is a territorial group while a caste is a socio-cultural group. When a tribe loses its territorial character, it takes the form of a caste. ... A caste or tribe may change its name and also its mode of livelihood and still retains its collective identity.
Tribal have animism as their religion and castes have Hinduism. Animism means belief in ghosts and spirits.
Hindus don’t believe in ghosts and spirits.
Tribal people live in isolated hilly track or forest and their main occupation is agriculture.
Caste groups live in plain areas. But in reality it is found that there are caste communities living in isolation or in isolated areas regions.
It is believed that tribal use their own common language which is different from caste groups.
many caste groups of South India use the language which is commonly used.
Tribal have their own political organisation. But now-a-days political organisation is not found in all the tribal groups
caste groups have no such political organisation. But now-a-days political organisation is found in all the caste groups