conclusion on flood
It is a type of huge destruction cause by water, but we cannot directly said that it is cause only water it is also cause by human beings
Natural disasters bring along enormous destruction to property and populations. They can be caused by natural or human means. A few threatening disasters include earthquakes, floods and cyclones. Floods are caused by upslope and downslope factors or by coincidence. Not only does flooding threaten the survival of people living near water bodies it also inflicts massive damage to property and land. Over the years while continuously seeking protection from such calamities, mankind has found ways to prevent and manage natural disasters like floods and earthquakes. They have also found efficient means to protect and evacuate people from danger zones. Several precautions and safety measure instilled in homes and offices ensures our safety. the modern means of communication have made it easier for public awareness of upcoming disaster and common knowledge of safety measures. It is a common understanding that natural disasters are a bane on the society and there are several religious beliefs supporting that statement but these disasters also act as a boon for nature in more ways than one.