Physics, asked by Monalisa123, 6 months ago

Conclusion on kinetic theory of gases (class 11)


Answered by bhupesh05raut


In this résumé of kinetic theories, doubtless other names, well deserving notice, have been overlooked from want of more extended research; but it is believed that the foregoing survey comprises essentially all the forms of the hypothesis of primeval motion which have been propounded. The general tenor of this line of speculation has been well set forth in an able review of " The Atomic Theory of Lucretius," which appeared in the North British Review for 1868.

"The most plausible suggestion yet made by this school is that a single omnipresent fluid aether fills the universe; that by various motions of the nature of eddies, the qualities of cohesion, elasticity, hardness, weight, mass or other universal properties of matter are given to small portions of the fluid which constitute the chemical atoms; that these, by modifications in their combination, form, and motion, produce all the accidental phenomena of gross matter ; that the primary fluid by other motions, transmits light, radiant heat, magnetism, and gravitation; that in certain ways, the portions of the fluid transmuted into gross matter can be acted upon by the primary fluid which remains imponderable or very light, but that these ways differ very much from those in which one part of gross matter acts upon another ; that the transmutation of the primary fluid into gross matter, or of gross matter into primary fluid, is a creative action wholly denied to us; the sum of each remaining constant."[1] The hypothesis of the transmutation of aether, or of the evolution of " matter," is not however necessarily involved in that of referring all conditions, properties, and powers of matter to "a mode of motion

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