Social Sciences, asked by anirbanmukherjee842, 11 months ago

conclusion on the topic: Human Diversity


Answered by sumaiyafarooq2245




Human Diversity

The issue of human diversity is enjoying widespread importance throughout the United States and globally. The new millennium is perhaps the impetus for social change and acceptance, and understanding human diversity is at the heart of this issue. Human diversity, also called cultural diversity, addresses the variety of human societies and cultures and examines their similarities and differences. Taken literally, human diversity simply means the differences inherent among people. Studies indicate that these differences are what make each person unique and valuable in his or her own right. Humans are divided into different cultures. Cultures develop behaviors, norms, and values that are suited to a specific environment and over time take on the strength of tradition. Even when conditions or environments change, cultures often do not. Lifelong habits are, in fact, a form of conditioning that is difficult to overcome.

Throughout history the world has been composed of different nations, thus people of different cultures. Because of this composition, surprisingly, human diversity has only recently become an issue of utmost importance. Theories suggest that human diversity is more important today than ever before because of increased globalization. Globalization simply means that people now cross borders into other countries to work, go to school, receive medical care, visit, and live. This increase in globalization means that nations, societies, and businesses have become increasingly cross-cultural or multicultural.

Evidence of multiculturalism is everywhere: in cities, businesses, communities, educational institutions, and health care systems. With the influx of differing cultures, the need exists to understand, at least broadly, human diversity and to develop strategies to negotiate and mediate conflict caused by cultural differences. Colleges, universities, and businesses, as well as health care providers, institutions, and organizations, have taken the lead in fostering cultural diversity dialogue, education, understanding, and conflict resolution. Indeed, many educational institutions and businesses have developed positions and offices that deal only with diversity issues. Vice presidents for equity and diversity, offices of equity and diversity, diversity programs for employees, and other initiatives can be found that are meant solely to foster a positive diverse environment. Professional health care providers, including physicians, nurses, and technologists, have addressed human diversity issues through their professional organizations. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists, the American Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, and the Society of Nuclear Medicine—Technologist Section have all made positive steps in addressing diversity issues within their disciplines by establishing minority scholarships, mentoring programs, and other initiatives. Most of these initiatives begin with trying to get people to understand themselves and their own cultural biases first and then to understand, accept, and value the contributions of persons from other cultures. Health care institutions and organizations are also doing the same. In these institutions and organizations, the realization exists that patients and workers alike are becoming increasingly diverse, and the key to providing high-quality patient care to a diverse population, by a diverse health care work force, is through organized cultural diversity initiatives. A concerted push toward cultural competency can be found throughout the United States.

Cultural competency is defined as possessing a set of attitudes, behaviors, and policies that come together in a system, or among individuals, that enable effective interactions in a cross-cultural framework. Understanding and accepting the types of diversity is core to this process

Answered by vrutatrivedi


The conclusions from the results are very clear. Of all the variation within humans, 85.4% of it lies within populations (i.e. is due to variation among individuals within populations). An additional 8.3% lies between populations within races.


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