condition for success of democracy??
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(1) Sound System of Education:
Where there is illiteracy, it becomes difficult to make democracy successful because many qualities are needed to make democracy a success.
The citizens can acquire these qualities only through literacy. The people should have the sense of understanding political problems.
They should possess such qualities as sacrifice, sympathy, selfless service of the country discipline, fraternity, etc. As far as possible, education should be free and the rich and the poor should be given equal opportunities for their development.
The citizens should strive for mental and physical development through education.
They should be able to earn their livelihood though education. Otherwise unemployment shall prove harmful for democracy. In short, ideal citizens are prepared through education without which democracy cannot become successful.
(2) Enlightened Citizenship:
People should have the knowledge of their rights and duties to make democracy as success. So long as the citizens do not perform their duties, the question of the success of democracy cannot arise. If the performance of duties is essential, it is equally essential for the citizens to become conscious of their rights, without which there is every possibility of the government becoming autocrat. Therefore, it is said that ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’
(3) Political Awakening:
It is essential to inculcate political awakening among the citizens to make democracy a success. Where there is no political awakening, the citizens fail to understand the political problems. They are also unable to elect their representatives properly. Political disinterestedness does not help the citizens to understand the economic and political problems of the day and contribute their mite to the implementation of various national plans defence efforts of the country.
(4) Freedom:
Democracy guarantees the citizens th6 freedom of expression, freedom of profession, freedom of religion and freedom to form associations. A free and fearless press is the basic need of democracy in order to keep under check the autocratic activities of the government.
In the countries where press is not free, citizens cannot criticise the government with the result that they cannot fully enjoy much freedom. In Russia, China and other Communist countries, the press is not free to criticise the government. Press is also not free in the countries where there is military dictatorship.
(5) Equality:
Democracy does not recognise class distinctions. It is based on social, economic and political equality. In democracy all are equal before law and there is no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, sex and economic status. Economic equality does not mean that everybody should be given equal emoluments it means equality of opportunity, and a fair and open field for all. This kind of equality ensures social justice which is the very life-breath of a democracy. Equality thus means giving everybody right to vote and contest election irrespective of caste, religion, property, sex, colour and creed.
(6) Law and Order:
The maintenance of law and order in society by the government is another essential condition for the success of democracy. Anarchy prevails where government fails to maintain law and order and the people’s faith in government is shaken. They look towards dictatorship in order to get rid of anarchy.
(7) Spirit of Co-operation:
Every democracy has to face many economic, social, religious and political problems. In dictatorship, these problems are solved by the dictator according to his own whim. In absolute monarchy, the situation is similar to dictatorship, but it is different in a democracy.
Where there is illiteracy, it becomes difficult to make democracy successful because many qualities are needed to make democracy a success.
The citizens can acquire these qualities only through literacy. The people should have the sense of understanding political problems.
They should possess such qualities as sacrifice, sympathy, selfless service of the country discipline, fraternity, etc. As far as possible, education should be free and the rich and the poor should be given equal opportunities for their development.
The citizens should strive for mental and physical development through education.
They should be able to earn their livelihood though education. Otherwise unemployment shall prove harmful for democracy. In short, ideal citizens are prepared through education without which democracy cannot become successful.
(2) Enlightened Citizenship:
People should have the knowledge of their rights and duties to make democracy as success. So long as the citizens do not perform their duties, the question of the success of democracy cannot arise. If the performance of duties is essential, it is equally essential for the citizens to become conscious of their rights, without which there is every possibility of the government becoming autocrat. Therefore, it is said that ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’
(3) Political Awakening:
It is essential to inculcate political awakening among the citizens to make democracy a success. Where there is no political awakening, the citizens fail to understand the political problems. They are also unable to elect their representatives properly. Political disinterestedness does not help the citizens to understand the economic and political problems of the day and contribute their mite to the implementation of various national plans defence efforts of the country.
(4) Freedom:
Democracy guarantees the citizens th6 freedom of expression, freedom of profession, freedom of religion and freedom to form associations. A free and fearless press is the basic need of democracy in order to keep under check the autocratic activities of the government.
In the countries where press is not free, citizens cannot criticise the government with the result that they cannot fully enjoy much freedom. In Russia, China and other Communist countries, the press is not free to criticise the government. Press is also not free in the countries where there is military dictatorship.
(5) Equality:
Democracy does not recognise class distinctions. It is based on social, economic and political equality. In democracy all are equal before law and there is no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, sex and economic status. Economic equality does not mean that everybody should be given equal emoluments it means equality of opportunity, and a fair and open field for all. This kind of equality ensures social justice which is the very life-breath of a democracy. Equality thus means giving everybody right to vote and contest election irrespective of caste, religion, property, sex, colour and creed.
(6) Law and Order:
The maintenance of law and order in society by the government is another essential condition for the success of democracy. Anarchy prevails where government fails to maintain law and order and the people’s faith in government is shaken. They look towards dictatorship in order to get rid of anarchy.
(7) Spirit of Co-operation:
Every democracy has to face many economic, social, religious and political problems. In dictatorship, these problems are solved by the dictator according to his own whim. In absolute monarchy, the situation is similar to dictatorship, but it is different in a democracy.
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The most important condition for democracy is a written constitution that ensure democratic ideals. Secondly, a sense of civic responsibility is needed for moral and ethical concerns. There should be an environment of tolerance among the citizens. Citizens should be aware of their rights and follow their duties. government should plan to eradicate inequalities and ensure equity and equality in society.
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