Condition of women and children and non Aryan in Germany
Condition of women in Germany during the period of Nazi:
1:The women were assigned to maintain the purity of the raceand distance from the Jews.
2:Women's had to teach there children the Nazi values.
3:They had to be the bearers of the Aryan culture and race .
4:All women's were not treated equally ,women's who bore racially undesirable children were punished and those who gave birth to racially desirable children were awarded .
Condition of children
1: The Nazi strongly believed that Nazi society could be established only by teaching the children Nazi ideology .
2: even the school's were purified ie:the children belonging to Jews Gypsies and those children who were handicapped were thrown out from school .
3:Racial science was introduced to the good German students ie:the children belonging to Aryan race .
Condition of the non Aryans in Germany
1:these people were considered undesirable .
2: from 1933 to 1938 the Nazi terrorised, pauperised and seregated the Jews. And asked them to leave the country .
3: there were race test held by the Aryans and if a person did not pass in that they were sent to the head chambers which was called the killing field .