English, asked by sabarishskvv, 3 months ago

Conditional sentences

There are four types of conditional sentences.

Type 0: conditional is to describe general truth, Scientific facts. In conditionals describing

general truth or scientific facts, we use the pattern. (if ……. simple present ,simple present).

1. If you are kind to others, are kind to you.

2. If a solider serves sincerely, the nation owes of him a lot.

Type 1: Probable (likely) conditional:

1. If he work satisfactory he will be promoted.

2. If you accept all the terms and conditions we will confirm the order. This type of sentence

implies that the condition is likely to be fulfilled. In probable are likely conditional the pattern

is: (if……. simple present, will…………..)

In the main clause, we can use models in place of will are the main class can be comment

request etc.,

1. If we go through the old files we may / might get some important clues. (possibility).

2. If we get a sponsor, we can go ahead with our concrete. (ability)

3. If we want to promote our experts, we should / must improve the quality of our products.


In the if-class, we can use the simple present the present continuous or the present perfect


1. If you are looking for a good book to read, purchase Shiv Khera's ‘you can win’.

2. If you have finished your work, you can go home.Type 2 : Improbable (unlikely) conditional:

In this type of conditional, the if class present a either and real or an improbable situation.

The battery in the sentence is:(If……….. simple past, would……………)

Note: 1. In the main class, ‘might’ or ‘could’ can be used instead of ‘would.

i) If I had money, I might / could go in foreign new car.

ii) If he changed his life style, he would look handsome.

2. In the if-class, we can use the pattern: where + two infinitive.

i) If the temperature where to fall further, it would starts snowing.

ii) If I had to win a lottery, I would set up a charitable trust.

Type 3: Impossible conditional in the sentence the conditions adjusted by the if-class cannot be

fulfilled because they refer to the past. That is why the sentence are call impossible conditioners.

The pattern used in impossible conditional is:
(If…………… past perfect, would, could etc., + have + past participle.

1. If you have saved politely, you could have saved the situation.

2. If Rekha had worked hard, she would have got a prize.

3. If you had respected her, she would have given you respect.​


Answered by bnroy1972


I could help her if she___her matter with me.fill in conditional

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