Conditions of stomata[ open/ close] during day and night? Discuss.
In general, stomata open by day and close at night. During the day, photosynthesis requires that the leaf mesophyll be exposed to the air to get CO2. At night, the stomata close to avoid losing water when photosynthesis is not occurring.
During the day, stomata close if the leaves experience a lack of water, such as during a drought.
The opening or closing of stomata occur in response to signals from the external environment.
Light = Stomata open
Dark = Stomata close
High CO2 inside leaf = stomata close
Low CO2 inside leaf = stomata open
Drought stress = stomata close
closure of stomato by drought is caused by abscisc acid ,a plant hormone that is synthesized is response to drought ,Abscisic acid overrides other signals and closes stomata when saving water is important than photosynthesis