Biology, asked by venkatanaveen5612, 1 year ago

Conduct the activities to study the factors that essential for photosynthesis. And write report on that


Answered by PratikRatna

Hey ✌️

Here is two experiments which will prove some factors are essential for Photosynthesis.


Aim of Experiment : Water is essential for Photosynthesis.

Important tool : A plant in a pot.

Method :

- Put the plant where sufficient sunlight is reaching and provide required nutrients.

- Don't give water at all.

Observations : The plant is dead after few days.

Result : Water is required for plant to be alive.


Aim of Experiment : Sunlight is essential for Photosynthesis.

Important tool : A plant in pot and a black light restricting polythene sheet.

Method :

- Wrap any one stem and leaves on it and leave it for few days.

- Keep watering.

Observation : After few days leaves of that particular stem are dead.

Result : Plants require light for Photosynthesis.

These are two experiments which can easily prove that light and water are essential for Photosynthesis.

Thanks. !!!

Answered by Sidyandex

Photosynthesis is a biological process by which green plants produce their foods.

The green leaves contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis.

Sunlight, water and carbon dioxide in air are vital factors that are needed for photosynthesis.

We take two healthy potted plants.

One plant is totally covered to block the sunlight, while the other is kept in the open.

After a few days, it is seen that the leaves of the covered plant turn yellow and wither, while the other plant continues growing, proving that light is essential.

If a plant is kept in the sunlight but no water is given to it, it withers away too, proving that water is another essential factor.

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