Social Sciences, asked by Aakanksha11, 1 year ago

conservation of fossil fuel


Answered by Mumuksh14387
It is possible to conserve fossil fuels by using less electricity, gasoline, propane and natural gas. Since all of these forms of energy are derived from fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal, it would only make sense that less energy consumption translates to reduced daily fossil fuel requirements.Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that will not last forever, which is why it is important to conserve them. Some other ways to conserve energy are recycling as much as possible and keeping doors, windows and blinds or curtains closed when using heat during the winter. Using stairs instead of elevators and disconnecting electronics when not in use also help to conserve fossil fuels.
Answered by Anonymous


Question :-

Conservation of fossil fuel.

Answer :-

As we can see that the fulfillment of most of our requirements is dependent on energy resources,

exhaustion of the same is a serious problem. If

it continues like this, our future generation will have no resources. This is an alarming situation. We will have to take in smart smart steps to conserve these resources we can do our bit in the following ways :-

1. We to take care not to waste electricity. For example we should switch off fans, lights, cooler and other electrical devices when not in use .

2. we should use energy efficient methods while consuming our resources. For example we can save domestic fuels like LPG by

  1. cooking food on low flame .
  2. covering our cooking vessels while cooking.
  3. soaking the pulses before cooking.
  4. cutting the vegetables in small pieces.
  5. using pressure cookers.

3. Devices that consume less energy should be preferred like CFLs and LED lights. We should take care of power rating mentioned over appliances while purchasing them .

4. Instead of use of individual vehicle by every single person, use of public transport should be encouraged to save petrol. Means of transport like cycle are beneficial both for health and for saving petrol. For going to the same destination like offices, a group of people can use carpool. It will save energy, money and environment as well .

5. Optional sources of energy like tidal or solar energy should be developed and encouraged .

6. Instead of generating electricity by burning coal or petroleum, energy of water reservoir like dams should be brought in use .

7. Public programs should be conducted in order to conserve energy .

To conclude, we can say that fossil fuels are our very important sources of energy. But as they are limited, we should use them judiciously.

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