conservation of minerals
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three Rs are motto to conserve minerals ..
reduce - to use less
reuse - to put again into service without changing
recycle - to put in service with changing
reduce - to use less
reuse - to put again into service without changing
recycle - to put in service with changing
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Minerals are important for every country for its development and they need to
be conserved because:
Industry and agriculture depend upon minerals and the substances
manufactured from them.
Workable minerals are in insufficient quantities.We are rapidly consuming mineral resources that require millions of years to be renewed.
The natural rate of replenishment is very small in comparison to the
present rates of consumption.
Mineral resources are finite and non-renewable.
Mineral deposits in our country will get exhausted in the future.
Due to decrease in good quality and they comes from great depths the
costs of mineral extraction is increasing.
Minerals can be conserved by the following measures:
Use of improved technologies to allow use of low grade minerals at low costs
Using substitutes
Use of scrap metals
Recycling of metals is good way in which the mineral resources can be conserved.
they can be used in a judicious
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