Use less water. Taking shorter showers or turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth can reduce water waste in your home. ...
Turn off the lights. ...
Use renewable energy. ...
Recycle. ...
Compost. ...
Choose reusable goods. ...
Manage your thermostat. ...
Thrift shop.
Conservation of Resources
Since resources are useful to us we should avoid wasting them before their supplies run out. The careful use of resources is called conservation of resources. All of us hold the responsibility to ensure that enough resources are left behind for future generations. Depletion of our life support resources such as water, air, soil and biodiversity, is a great problem that we are facing today. Carbon dioxide emissions and large scale deforestation have resulted in a global increase in temperature. This increase in temperature is leading to adverse effects on our natural resources.
You can help conserve resources by following these practices:
(i) Reduce the items in your shopping list.
(ii) Reuse leftover food items.
(iii)Plant tree saplings to mark special occasions.
(iv) Save trees from being cut down by not wasting paper.
(v)Walk or ride a bicycle for short distances and opt for car pooling for longer distances.
(vi)Recycle waste paper, plastic bottles and cans.
(vii) Save electricity and water.