Consider a flat fading channel in which, for a fixed transmit power P¯, the received SNR
is one of four values: γ1 = 30 dB, γ2 = 20 dB, γ3 = 10 dB, and γ4 = 0 dB. The probabili-
ties associated with each state are p1 = .2, p2 = .3, p3 = .3, and p4 = .2. Assume that both
transmitter and receiver have CSI.
(a) Find the optimal power adaptation policy P[i]/P¯ for this channel and its correspond-
ing Shannon capacity per unit hertz (C/B).
(b) Find the channel inversion power adaptation policy for this channel and associated
zero-outage capacity per unit bandwidth.
(c) Find the truncated channel inversion power adaptation policy for this channel and as-
sociated outage capacity per unit bandwidth for three different outage probabilities:
Pout = .1, Pout = .25, and Pout (and the associated cutoff γ0 ) equal to the value that
achieves maximum outage capacity.
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