Consider a non-empty input array (inarr) containing non-zero positive Integer. From input array, identify the unique pairs of integers such that each of the integers in the pair have the same sum of the digits. Print outnum, the number of unique pairs identified satisfying the criteria. If no such pair of integers can be identified print -1. Input format: Read the array inarr (input array) with the elements separated by ‘,’ (comma) Output format: Print outnum or -1 accordingly
Input format: Read the array inarr (input array) with the elements separated by ‘,’ (comma)
Output format: Print outnum or -1 accordingly
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Explanation: All the possible combinations are: (6, 321), (6, 2211), (321, 2211), (45, 81)
First combination: 6, 3+2+1 = 6
Second combination: 6, 2+2+1+1 = 6
Third combination: 3+2+1 = 6, 2+2+1+1 = 6
Fourth combination: 4+5 = 9, 8+1 = 6
Hence the output will be: 4 (Output)
Solution: We strongly recommend you to try the problem first before moving to the solution.
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hope it's helpful
Here is a sample Python code to implement the logic described:
def sum_of_digits(n):
return sum(int(digit) for digit in str(n))
def find_pairs(inarr):
sums = {}
for num in inarr:
digit_sum = sum_of_digits(num)
if digit_sum not in sums:
sums[digit_sum] = []
outnum = 0
for _, nums in sums.items():
if len(nums) >= 2:
outnum += len(nums) * (len(nums) - 1) // 2
return outnum if outnum > 0 else -1
inarr = [51, 32, 43, 74, 15]
In the given code above , the 'sum_of_digits' function takes an integer 'n' and returns the sum of its digits. The 'find_pairs' function takes an input array 'inarr' and returns the number of unique pairs satisfying the criteria. First, it creates a dictionary 'sums' where the keys are the sum of digits for each number in 'inarr', and the values are lists of numbers with that sum of digits. Then it loops over the items in 'sums' and counts the number of pairs for each list of numbers with the same sum of digits. If the count is greater than 0, it adds it to the 'outnum' variable. Finally, the function returns 'outnum' if it's greater than 0, otherwise it returns '-1'.
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