Economy, asked by arafaaliagric18, 5 months ago

Consider the consumption of a consumer in two different dates, time 0 andt. Sup-pose that at timetprice vector ispt= (pt1,pt2) and the consumption bundle isxt= (xt1,xt2). Attime 0 the price vector and the consumption bundle arep0= (p01,p02),x0= (x01,x02), respectively.ThePaasche quantity indexcomputes the change in quantity using time 0 prices as weight:Pq=p0·xtp0·x0=p01xt1+p02xt2p01x01+p02x02.And theLaspeyres quantity indexcomputes the change in quantity using timetprices as weight:Lq=pt·xtpt·x0=pt1xt1+pt2xt2pt1x01+pt2x02Finally, define an index of the change in total expenditure by:M=pt·xtp0·x0=pt1xt1+pt2xt2p01x01+p02x02Show that:1. IfPq>1, the consumer has a revealed preference forxtoverxt.2. IfLq<1, the consumer has a revealed preference forx0overxt.3. No revealed preference is implied by eitherM >1 orM <1.


Answered by harshverma913


Freddy k hain kyunki search khushi hugging go sci raghavji is z bhi guild junk fetch link fetch match through until you guys hug hug hug for know in khud tv etch right thumb tuhin uchit run until it's tv unit


Hello fetch dear onion

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