Computer Science, asked by akshaykumar786rana, 5 months ago

Consider the extended tower of Hanoi, in which each move must involve the auxiliary tower. How many moves required by extended tower of Hanoi to move n disks from tower

A to tower C using tower B?

a) 3-1

b) 2n+1Which of the following is true?


The 80/20 rule states that 80% of the instruction is executed and 20% of the instruction is generated.

In von Neumann architecture, external bus is for data memory only.

a) Only I

b) Only II

c) Both I and I are true

Which of the following is true?


The 80/20 rule states that 80% of the instruction is executed and 20% of the instruction is generated.

In von Neumann architecture, external bus is for data memory only.

a) Only I

b) Only II

c) Both I and I are true

d) Neither I nor II II​


Answered by sadhanagiri1990


copy video no one else

Answered by modihet83


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