Consider the following HTML statement:<body bgcolor=”Blue” alink =”red” vlink=”yellow”>Inthe above statement, what do you mean by ‘alink’ and vlink
The alink (active link) color appears while the mouse is clicking the link. The vlink (visited link) is the color of the link after the user has already visited it.
The alink means activate link and vlink refers about the visted link.
In any website ---
If any link is highlighted then it is known as an active link in an HTML language and the attribute is set by the help of alink tag which is written in the above HTML code "alink =”red”". It gives the red color to the highlighted links for this website project for which this is defined.
If any link is visited by ones by the user then it is known as visited link and this property is set by the help of vlink tag which is written in the above code "vlink=”yellow”". It gives the yellow color to the visited links for this website project for which this is defined. Visited link means a user clicks on that link already.
Learn More:
- Html code to create links :
- Links in HTML: