Consider the following MOVIE database and answer the SQL queries based on it.
MovieID MovieName Category ReleaseDate ProductionCost BusinessCost
001 Hindi_Movie Musical 2018/04/23 124500 130000
002 Tamil_Movie Action 2016/05/17 112000 118000
003 English_Movie Horror 2017/08/06 245000 360000
004 Bengali_Movie Adventure 2017/01/04 72000 100000
005 Telegu_Movie Action - 100000 -
006 Punjabi_Movie Comedy - 30500 -
(a) Retrieve movies information without mentioning their column names.
(b) List business done by the movies showing only MovieID, MovieName and BusinessCost.
(c) List the different categories of movies.
(d) Find the net profit of each movie showing its MovieID, MovieName and Net profit.
(e) List all movies with productionCost greater than 80000 and less than 125000 showing
MovieID, MovieName, and ProductionCost
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I don't know
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