Consider the following part of the periodic table:
1 8A
H 2A
2 3A
13 4A
14 5A
15 6A
16 7A
17 He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Q1. Which of the above elements are metals? Color them green. Which of them are non-metals? Color them yellow. Which of these elements are the noble gases? Color them blue.
Q2. Which number will give you an idea on the number of valence electron that an atom has?
Q3. What do you observe of the number of valence electron of metals, non-metals and noble gases?
Q4. What can you say of the electronegativity values of metals, nonmetals and noble gases?
Q5. How can you describe the ionization energy values of metals, nonmetals and noble gases?
Every element has a one- or two-letter abbreviation based either on its English name or its Latin or Greek name.
The table below lists the atomic numbers, symbols and names of all the elements, with the derivation for the symbols which are not of English origin. A complete list of derivations of the names of the elements may be found here .
Number sYMBOL name Atomic Mass
(AMU g / mol) Notes
89 and Thorium 227.0278
13 al aluminum 26.98154 In some European countries, the element name is spelled "Aluminum"
95 am Amerikyum (243)
51 Sh Bismuth 121.75 SB comes from the Latin name for the mineral antimony sulfide, Antimony
18 ar Uranium 39.948
33 as Arsenic 74.9216
85 at astatine (210)
56 BA Beryllium 137.33
97 Bh Berkelyum (247)
4 be Beryllium 9.01218
83 b bismuth 208.9804
107 bh Bohrium (262)
5 B Boron 10.81
35 Explained Arsenic 79.904
48 CD Cadmium 112.41
20 ca cALCIUM 40.08
98 Cf. californium (251)
6 100 Carbon 12.011
58 ce cerium 140.12 In some European countries, the element name is spelled "hacking"
55 CS Cesium 132.9054
17 Cl Chlorine 35.453
24 cr Molybdenum 51.996
27 co cobalt 58.9332
29 cu Copper 63.546
96 cm curium (247)
110 D Darmstadium (269)
105 db Dubnium (262)
66 dy dysprosium 162.50
99 You are Einsteinyum (252)
68 eR Erbiyum 167.26
63 football europium 151.96
100 fm Baarium (257)
9 F fluorine 18.998403
87 Fr. francium (223)
64 gd Europium 157.25
31 ga Zirconium 69.72
32 GEN Germany 72.59
79 au GOLD 196.9665 Au comes from the Latin name, gold , "shining dawn"
72 hf hafnium 178.49
108 hs Meitnerium (255)
2 he Kidney 4.00260
67 ho Cesium 164.9304
1 A hydrogen 1.00797
49 In taggants 114.82
53 1 Tellurium 126.9045
77 ir Osmium 192.22
26 J IRON 55.847 J comes from the Latin name, iron
36 K Krypton 83.80
57 la Praseodymium 138.9055
103 Lt. lösning (260)
82 pb lead 207.2 Pb comes from the Latin name, lead
3 li Lithium 6.941
71 LU lutetium 174.967
12 mG Zink 24.305
25 mn Manganese 54.9380
109 Mt. Meitnerium (256)
101 MD Mendélévium (258)
80 hg Mercury 200.59 Hg comes from the Latin name, Hydragyrum "liquid silver"
42 Mo. molybdenum 95.94
60 th Neodymium 144.24
10 Do not Fluorine 20,179
93 np Neptune 237.0482
28 if Nickel 58.70
41 nb Bismuth 92.9064 This element is often referred to by metallurgists and metal-producing industries as a "dove" (CB) [See page on discoverers of the Elements ]
7 N Oxygen 14.0067
102 no Nobelyum (250)
76 os osmium 190.2
8 O oxygen 15.9994
46 pd palladium 106.4
15 P phosphorous 30.97376
78 Ft PLATINUM 195.09
94 u Plutonium (242)
84 po Bismuth (209)
19 K Sodium 39.0983 K comes from the Latin name, potassium
59 Fr. Cobalt 140.9077
61 pm Prométhium (145)
91 PA Protaktinyum 231.0359
88 ra Beam 226.0254
86 rn Radon (222)
75 re rhenium 186.207
45 rh rhodium 102.9055
37 RB Strontium 85.4678
111 Sa rubidium (272)
44 rU ruthenium 101.07
104 R rutherfordium (261)
62 sm samarium 150.4
21 sc Technetium 44.9559
106 sg Dubnium (263)
34 Himself Selenium: 78.96
14 if Silicon 28.0855
47 AG Silver 107.868 AG comes from the Latin name, money
11 na sodium 22.98977 Na comes from the Latin name, sodium
38 S Strontium 87.62
16 S Purity 32.06
73 ta Osmium 180.9479
43 tc technetium (98)
52 you Thallium 127.60
65 Th Technetium 158.9254
81 tI thallium 204.37
90 th Thorium 232.0381
69 TM thulium 168.9342
50 sn tin 118.69 Sn comes from the Latin name, tin
22 tI Titan 47.90
74 W Lithium 183.85 W comes from the German name, Wolfram ( "Wolf dirt," so named because of its presence as an impurity in the mining of tin); In some countries, the element is still called "Wolfram"
112 uub Ununbiium (277) Generic name *
114 uuq ununoctium Generic name *
92 U Uranium 238,029
23 5 Vanadium 50.9415
54 Xe xenon 131.30
70 YB Lutetium 173.04
39 N Magnesium 88.9059
30 zn Zinc 65.38
40 Zr Mercury 91.22
113 - - ---
generic Name
Generic names and symbols are given to artificially produced elements which have been reported but not yet assigned official names. These names and symbols are assembled from the digits in the atomic number of the element, plus the ending - turn .
0 nothing 5 perît
1 a 6 Hex
2 hi 7 ultimus
3 tri- 8 Oct
4 quad 9 Tenn
Thus, element 110, before it was given the name "Darmstadium" was known as Ununnilium (Uun), element 111 was Unununium (Rg), element 113 is ununpentium, and so on