CONSIDER the html code
Consider the following HTML code for your answers to questions 7 thro 01: 02: ugh 11: head>c/head> 04: Headline! 06:
This is content. 07:
08: 09: 10: span class-"sarcasm">Such amazing content. class-"disclaimer">This data is fabricated and has no relevarn super useful stuff.
tablLe 12: 13:
14: 15: 7) Which of the following selectors could be used to point exclusively to the sp an on line 09? A) span B) #sarcasm$ C) span[class-"sarcasm" D) #data.disclaimerspan E) bodyidiv - - , spar 8) Which of the following statements is TRUE about the code on line 11: The code is interpreted by the preprocessor and removed before the rendering cngine sees it B) The code acts as a C) The code will display the phrase "table c D) The code will execute a script to fetch and display the appropriate table conter E) None of the above statements are true targeting location for the insertion of code by a JQuery script. ontents" as plain text. X nts.X m L