Consider the list L1=[15,25,35,40] write statements to perform the following?
a) To display maximum value from the list L1
b) To remove 3rd element from the list L1
c) To add [30,40,50] towards the end of the given list L1
d) Double the elements of the list L1
e) To print sorted list L1 in ascending order
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Given list:
L1 = [15, 25, 35, 40]
a) To display the highest element.
- print(L1.max())
b) To remove the 3rd element.
- L1.pop(2)
- L1.remove(35)
- del L1[2]
c) To add [30, 40, 50] to the end of L1.
- L1.extend([30, 40, 50])
d) To double the elements in L1.
- for i in range(len(L1)):
L1[i] = L1[i]*2
e) To sort L1 and print it in ascending order.
- print(sorted(L1, reverse = True))
- max() is a function that retrieves the highest elements from a list.
- pop() is a method that removes an element by specifying the index position. remove() is a method that removes the specified element. del is a function that deletes an element by specifying its index position.
- sorted() is a method that sorts the list in ascending order [by default]. It is used only for display purposes and will not permanently sort the list.
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