Chemistry, asked by omsaivikranth, 8 months ago

Consider the reversible reaction HCN(aq) + H® (aq) + CN® (aq) at equilibrium the addition of CN would
(A) reduce HCN (aq) concentration
(B) decrease the Hion concentration
(C) increase the equilibrium constant
(D) decrease the equilibrium constant​


Answered by ramsinghsame

Publisher Summary

This chapter discusses the chemistry of water. Water is a chemical compound whose molecules each contain two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. As natural hydrogen and oxygen consist of several isotopes, water consequently consists of more than one type of molecule. The quantitative ratio of molecules of different isotope composition is determined by the ratio of the individual isotopes in the individual elements. Differences in the isotope composition of molecules are apparent from different saturated vapor pressure, temperature and heat of phase conversion, heat capacity, and in the thermal dependence of thermodynamic quantities. An important property of water is its ability to dissolve substances. There are only a few compounds known, which do not dissolve at least to some extent in water. The basic reason for the remarkable dissolving and ionization capability of water is its dipole character and the high dielectric constant.

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