Consider the table project given below. Write command in SQL for 1 to 4 and output for 5 to 8
Answered by
i. To display all information about projects of 'Medium' ProjSize.
- Select * from Projects where ProjSize = 'Medium';
ii. To list the ProjSize of projects whose ProjName ends with 'LITL'.
- Select ProjSize from Projects where ProjName like '%LITL';
iii. To list ID, name, size and cost of all the projects in descending order of StartDate.
- Select ID, ProjName, ProjSize, Cost from Projects order by StartDate desc;
iv. To count the number of projects whose Cost is less than 100000.
- Select count(*) from Projects where Cost < 100000;
- Select is used to display/retrieve information from the table.
- Where is a clause used to specify conditions.
- Update is used to made changes to the data present in the table.
- Delete is used to delete records from the table.
- The asterisk (*) represents all the data from the table. If you want specific columns from the table to be displayed, you need to type the column name(s) instead.
- Like is a clause used to perform pattern-matching.
- A percentage/modulus (%) is a wildcard character that represents 'n' number of characters. An underscore (_) represents a single character.
- Count() is a function used to count the number of records.
- Order by is a clause used to arrange the data in a specific order.
- Sum() is a function used to calculate the total of the specified column.
- Distinct is a clause used to eliminate redundancy.
- Max() is a function used to retrieve the highest value from the column.
- Avg() is a function used to calculate the average of the function.
- Group by is a clause used to group data according to a specific category.
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