Social Sciences, asked by Sriramrohit939, 10 months ago

Constitution is the main law of of the land justify


Answered by 12226priya


There is only one law of the land on earth higher than the Constitution. It is referred to in, but not entirely developed and defined in the first foundational document of the American experience, the Declaration of Independence. “When in the course of human events” set the time for a people to act. “Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness” were the main items to be protected. Therefore, according to the signatories to the Declaration, if conditions come into being that usurp those basic rights without some compelling justification based on true justice, the Constitution and the government formed by it could become subject to overthrow by other than electoral means.

There is no doubt that anyone who participated in such a revolution would be treated with the same warm welcome the British extended to TheVine Patriots. Therefore, this solution should be avoided at almost all costs, except the cost of surrender of those natural rights to tyrannical usurpers.

We live in a time when competing interests accuse one another of “violating the Constitution”. Factions attempt to load the courts to allow for interpretation of the Constitution itself to favor their own interests. Therefore, the Constitution itself becomes compromised to a degree, and we stand in need to find a higher existing standard to bring interpretation of that outstanding document back into line with its original intentions. Currently, natural law, a somewhat debatable precept, but nevertheless the basis for our original separation from Great Britain, becomes that standard as it is the originating authority for all the has followed.

Today, the Constitution now means whatever some court says it means, until overruled by a higher court. Even the Supreme Court of yesterday can be overruled by a Supreme Court of tomorrow, and in hindsight, we see that even the highest court of the land has failed to apply sound legal theory and instead, legislated from the bench, and served the privately interests of sometimes very nefarious characters.

There is only one higher court, and we have unwisely denied that counsel. Even Jefferson appealed to “the Creator”, even if only giving lip service to the common faith of the majority of the colonists. I would submit that if we do not take care of forming a more perfect Union, establishing Justice, insuring domestic Tranquility, providing for the common defence, promoting the general Welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity we will lose those very precious things as well as the constitution and the government it forms, to be replaced by something much more similar to the Chinese government of the self-appointed elite who answer to no one.


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