constract an angle 90°with the help of the compas . biset it and alsowrite its steps
- Draw a straight line AB and an arc on it .
- Place the pointer of compass on the end of the arc B and cut an arc which is of 60 degree ...
- Use the same procedure at point A which makes angle of120 degree..
- Now place the pointer on arc of 60 degree and draw and arc in its left.
Step :
We can construct a 90º angle either by bisecting a straight angle or using the following steps.
Step 1: Draw the arm PA.
Step 2: Place the point of the compass at P and draw an arc that cuts the arm at Q.
Step 3: Place the point of the compass at Q and draw an arc of radius PQ that cuts the arc drawn in Step 2 at R.
Step 4: With the point of the compass at R, draw an arc of radius PQ to cut the arc drawn in Step 2 at S.
Step 5: With the point of the compass still at R, draw another arc of radius PQ near T as shown.
Step 6: With the point of the compass at S, draw an arc of radius PQ to cut the arc drawn in step 5 at T.
Step 7: Join T to P. The angle APT is 90º.
You can take help from the attached image
Hope it will help you
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