Construct a angle of 30 degree
draw a line segment take convenient radius and draw 60° from the first. increase the compass radius and draw an Arc from the 60° to another hour to cut the previous one join the position. and the arc cutting. you will get an angle of 30°
In order to construct an angle of 30° with the help of ruler and compasses, we follow the following steps:
Step 1 : With AOB = 60° by using the steps mentioned above.
Step 2 : With centre O and any convenient radius draw an arc cutting OA and OB at P and Q respectively.
Step 3 : With centre P and radius more than (PQ), draw an arc in the interior of
Step 4 : With centre Q and the same radius, as in step III, draw another arc intersecting the arc in step III at R.
Step 5 : Join OR and product it to any point C.
Step 6 : The angle AOC is the angle of measure of 30°.