Math, asked by gautamkumar73, 1 year ago

Construct a rectangle of length 5.5 cm and length of the diagonal 6 cm.​


Answered by Rameshjangid

Answer:- You need to construct a rectangle of length = 5.5 cm and the length of diagonal = 6cm. For that you need to follow some steps and need to use a compass and a ruler.

The steps are given below. Please go through the full answer to know how to construct it.

The steps to construct a rectangle are:-

1. Let us name the rectangle as ABCD. First draw the base AB = 5.5 cm with the help of a ruler.

2. Then on the points A and B draw a 90 degrees angle with the help of a compass, taking any measurement on the compass draw 90 degrees angles by marking then with the arc.

3. After drawing 90 degrees angles draw diagonal from point A to the top of the point B and name it as D and from point B to the top of the point A and name it as C, i.e., draw diagonal AD = 6 cm and BC = 6 cm with the help of ruler and compass. taking 6 cm measurement on compass and marking an arc.

4. Join AC and BD through the 90 degrees angle arc.

5. Then simply join the points D and C. Draw DC = 5.5 cm.

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