construct a scheme to convert ethene into ethyne
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It's easy.... When you know what to do...
So first we have to convert it to ethene Andy then to ethyne.. Let's start
First treat ethane with Br2 with ultra violet..... This will lead Br to attack and make a compound 1 bromo ethane... And then treat it with alcoholic KOH....
(Note: alcoholic KOH gives double bond while aqueous KOH gives -OH group.. )
So that will lead to formation of ethene due to removal of bromine atom... Next... Treat the compound with Br2 in presence of CCl4 which makes both the bromine atom to attack (nucleophile) to the carbon chain and form 1,2- dibromoethane....... Again treat it with alcoholic KOH.... Which will remove both the bromine atom and a triple bond will from... Ultimately the compound so form is ethyne