Construct a tangent to a circle of radius 4 cm from a point on the concentric circle of radius
6cm and measure its length. Also verify the measurement by actual calculation.
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I won't like construction using compass and ruler to get the answer and say, "Check the attachment for your answer."
I used Grapher for this.
Check the attachment for your answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Draw a circle of radius 4 cm.
- Dram another concentric one, of radius 6 cm.
- Take any point on the outer circle.
- Join this point to the Centre. Let it be P.
- Find the mid point of this line and pass a perpendicular bisector from it.
- Now consider the two points where the perpendicular bisector and the inner circle intersect.
- Let these point be Q and R.
- Join Q to P and then R to P.
- Hence, PQ and PR are the required tangents.
By Pythagoras Theorem, the length of each Tangent should be

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