construct the following angles with the help of ruler and compass a. 45 degree. 135 degree. 150 degree.
this is the answer of this question
Step-by-step explanation:
1)45 degree
step 1:- first draw a ray oa
step 2:-withcentre o draw a semi arc intersecting oa at p
step 3:- with same centre and same radius put point on p and draw an arc intersecting the previous one
step4;:- with same step as above draw arc intersecting at q and r
step 5:-withcentre as r and q draw arcs intersecting at s and then angle now is 90
step 6:- with radius of op and os put centre on p and s and draw Arc intersecting at e and join of ray
now coa is 45degree
2)135 degree
step 1:-draw a ray oa
step 2:-with centre o draw a semi arc intersecting oa on both sides
step 3:-with same degree and same radius draw acres in the previous arcs at c and d
step 4:-with centre d and c draw arc intersecting at point q
step 5:- with centre as g and c draw an arc intersecting at point p
now angle POA is 135degress
step 1:- draw a ray oa
step 2:- with centre o draw an arc intersecting oa at both sides as c d and p
step 3:- with centre p and d draw arcs intersecting at point q and join ob ray
now boa is 150degrees