Consumable stores Rs 2.000, Power Rs 7.500 Telegram Charges Rs 700, Agent' Commission Rs. 3.000 and Debenture inierest Rs. 500. The amount of Works Overheads will be.
a) 13700
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Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator=
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator= Frame the sentence with these words. [3x1=3]
1. Orator=
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