English, asked by dishayadav2002, 10 months ago

content of bad condition of our india


Answered by BrainlySurgeon

Condition Of Modern India

When we got our independence,we were termed as a under developed country and now it has been 70 years of our freedom but still we are a developing country. Why is it so? We are the fastest growing economy second to none and the second most populated country but still we are branded as a developing nation,Why? Why is it so that despite being a region of mind wobbling secularism and diversity,we are limited.

The answer to all of this questions is corruption,the root problem indeed. Not only corruption casteism,communalism and many more. I would like highlights this problems in a more efficient way:


Now don't me started on this,if our representatives themselves are corrupted to core,how will the nation breaks it's shackles of corruption. The whole system is corrupted,thanks to our honorable politicians(sarcasm).

•Education System:

The idea of testing one's memory skills and retention power is a baseless notion of education in the first place itself,we need more educated citizens. Out of whole 1.2 billon people not even half of them are literates,how can we expect oursleves to be developed without the fundamental conviction of what is what. The whole of education system needs to be changed that too for good


Until we elect our leaders on the basis of the caste they represent,we are going on where. Politicians and politics should be secular

This doesn't mean that India is a nation of problems, despite all his

Mera Bharat Mahan. They are many positives


Be change you want to see

-MK Gandhi

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