English, asked by nishantdedha404, 5 hours ago

continue the given story.in150 to 200 words. The Man in the car___________________________​


Answered by pilotaarti


may it helps you

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Answered by Anonymous

I wrote this short story for an assignment as part of an online creative writing course. The writing prompt given to us was: “Outside my house, there is a man in a blue car.”

Outside my house, there was a man in a blue car. Maybe, it wasn’t a blue car; hard to say with all the dust on it. A few random yellow leaves decorated the windshield. It might have been a gray car as well. But the color did not matter. There was a man inside, and he was staring at our house as if to devise a plan to break into the house in the night.

My wife went to visit her family in New York; our kids, of course, weren’t staying with us. I wasn’t an old man, but I wasn’t particularly young either to be left alone for long. My wife was always worried to leave me, but she had to go this time.

The strange man had a gray beard and looked to be in his mid-forties. His elbows rested on the wheel. His hands were crossed, and his fingers kept tapping on the elbows. He was probably listening to some music. His face was relaxed and showed no sense of urgency. He looked determined to get something done: I just hoped that it wasn’t breaking into our house.

It was lunch time, and the man was still there in the car. He wasn’t looking at our house now. This wasn’t alarming enough to call 911. So I decided to call my wife instead. Anyhow, I had to ask her what to eat for lunch and thought I could ask her whether I should be worried about this strange man.“Hello, Sarah…”

“Did you eat? Did you take the pills?” my wife interrupted, in her usual way. She knew I would forget.

“No. I did not eat lunch. What should I eat?”

“I am gone for just three days, Honey! There is enough in the refrigerator for a week. Why don’t you try that frozen pizza for today?”

“Well, I ate that for dinner last night.”

“I thought you ate pasta for dinner.”

“Well, I changed my mind.”

“Well, then eat anything you like,” she said. I heard someone shout her name from a distance. I guessed it was her Italian half-sister.

“Listen, I got to go now. Everyone is waiting for me at lunch,” she said. That’s when I remembered about the strange man and the car.

“Wait, there is something I need to tell you. I am scared…”

“Scared? Why? Did you take your pills in the morning?”

“I think, I did,” I said.

“I shouldn’t have come here. You can’t take care of yourself. But then why are are you scared?” she asked.

“There is a strange man inside a car in front of our house. He had been sitting there from the morning. And he is staring at our house,” I said, as composed as an afraid, alone, nervous man can say.

“Is he still there?”

“Yes, he is. It’s a bit scary. Should I check with him if he is alright?”

“No. Don’t do that. Let me call James and see if he can stop by.”

“Yes, that would help. Certainly. I should eat my lunch now. But you sure I shouldn’t go out and check with the guy in the car?”

“Yes. I mean, don’t go outside. I will call James now and do take the pills.”

“Yes, I will. I love you.”

James never showed up, and my wife never answered my calls. It was already getting dark, and the car was still there, and the man was there, too.

I fought my urge to go outside and check with him. I was scared, and I kept checking through the window every other minute. I played loud TV as if that would scare him away. I was walking from corner to corner nervously, and the TV wasn’t a good distraction. There is always crime news on the TV.

By now, he shuffled into the passenger seat, but he wasn’t staring at our house; that was a good sign. But why would a man sit in a car for so long?

It was dark now, and the street light wasn’t bright enough. I could see his moving silhouette now and then, but he was still for most of the time. His head was resting on the seat.

He was probably sleeping. I ate my dinner — a clumsy sandwich I made — and I was ready to hit the bed. But I was afraid to fall asleep. It was dark outside.

I never knew when I fell asleep, and when I woke up, the Sun was shining brightly through our bedroom window. I went to brush my teeth, and that’s when I remembered about the strange man. I rushed downstairs with foam in my mouth. My heart was pounding faster, and as I walked towards the living room window, I quickly scanned the house to see if there was a break-in; no signs of it.

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