English, asked by tangent48, 11 months ago

contrast the characters of miss meadows and mrs mallard
difference in personality, outlook towards the world and society​


Answered by RAAZ34



In the short story, “The Story of an Hour,” author Kate Chopin presents the character of Mrs. Louis Mallard. She is an unhappy woman trapped in her discontented marriage. Unable to assert herself or extricate herself from the relationship, she endures it. The news of the presumed death of her husband comes as a great relief to her, and for a brief moment she experiences the joys of a liberated life from the repressed relationship with her husband. The relief, however, is short lived. The shock of seeing him alive is too much for her bear and she dies. The meaning of life and death take on opposite meaning for Mrs. Mallard in her marriage because she lacked the courage to stand up for herself. Mrs. Mallard’s repressed married life is a…show more content…

Her experiences took the form of words: “free, free, free!” (Chopin 262). This clearly shows that she was experiencing life after she heard the news of her husband’s death. Her love for life and the desire to live long, take an ironic twist when she sees that her husband is actually alive. Watching the husband alive in front of her is indeed the real shock of her life. It strikes with such a force that it takes her life. It is very likely that her weak heart simply could not bear, what indeed was for her, the most tragic news. Her husband’s death meant life to her which she hoped would be long enough. “She says a prayer that her life might be long to enjoy all the seasons in her life”. (Chopin 262). While even the doctor proclaims that she died because she was overjoyed to see him alive, it was the opposite that happened. After having experienced a brief moment of what it was like to be free from an oppressed life she just could not bring herself to the thought of living another moment of that repressed life. Although there is an element of tragedy to her death, we could also interpret her death—as an end to her repressed life. What she failed to achieve in her life, she did so in her death. She is now free and no longer subject to the repressive will of her husband. But could this be interpreted as some act of courage on her part? To the contrary, she chose a way out that

Answered by sourasghotekar123



Miss Malad was very intelligent and was a feminist independent women. When is, sister announces that Bentley has died Louise, Christ dramatically, rather than feeling numb as she know many other womans would. Her husband’s death meant life to her which she hoped would be long enough. “She says a prayer that her life might be long to enjoy all the seasons in her life”. The kind of relationship that Mr and Mrs Mallards have is ordinary. There is some love, but there's no signs of Romans in their marital relationship. Whereas Miss Meadow has a sensitive character who can feel a great connection between both weather and music. Miss Meadow appears to be a popular teacher, as is evident from yellow that her student love her. She was 30 years old, lady and Mr Basil was 25 years old, young man who was engaged to her.

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