Social Sciences, asked by royrishabh5676, 1 year ago

Contribution of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru towards constitution


Answered by nandamuni


Jawaharlal Nehru And His Role In The Making of The Indian Constitution -----Dr.Bija !ant Du"eA#ong the #e#"ers of the Constituent Asse#"l De"ates and the ad ho$ $o##ittees for#ed for the #aking and fra#ing of the Indian $onstitution% with Dr.Rajendra &rasad in $hair% 'assingagenda to resolutions to $on(ert into $lauses% rules and regulations of the Charter% as su$h HajiA"dul )athar Haji Isha* )ait% B.&o$ker )ahi" Bahadur% Mah"oo" Ali Baig )ahi" Bahadur%Dr.B.R.A#"edkar% &andit +aksh#i !anta Maitra% Mr.De"i &rosad !haitan% Mr.&rafulla Chandra)en% Mr.A"dul Ha#id% the Hon,"le )ardar Balde( )ingh% )ri Bikra#lal )ondhi% &rof.ashwantRai% Mr.Taja#ul Husain% Mr.)aiid Jafar I#a#% !ai )ed !ari#uddin% Dewan Bahadur )ir A.Ra#aswa# Mudaliar% Mr.!.Chengalaraa Redd% Mr.M.A.)reeni(asan% +t.Col.Brijraj Narainand others% the na#e of &andit Jawaharlal Nehru of $ourse is no less than in the gala/ of stars 're'aring the draft resolutions as for the #aking of the Indian Constitution% drawing anddwelling u'on with the stars of the gala/% $hosen fro#% re'resenting (arious territories andstrata of li(es. The Constituent all a"u with their 'resen$e and he$ti$ a$ti(it% #eeting andde"ating was #o#entous and histori$ in gi(ing tou$hes to $onstitutionalis#% judi$ial language%$i(il li"ert and 'u"li$ rights and duties as 'er reading and knowledge% understanding of  juris'ruden$e% histor% $ulture% tradition% geogra'h% freedo# of s'ee$h and dignit of hu#anla"our with e#'hasis on hu#anis#% world $itienshi'% so$ialisti$ "ent of #ind with thede#o$rati$ set-u' at 'ar with s$ien$e and te$hnolog% growth and de(elo'#ent% logi$ andreasoning. Do#esti$ hulla"aloo% 'oliti$al 'ande#oiu# and to's-tur( u'hea(als andre'er$ussions felt through the dark $orridors of ti#e and seen ha(ing a trst with destin and a(er tring ti#e $ul#inating in the fruition of #edie(alis# should not "e a hurdle in taking thenation to the 'ath of #odernit and de(elo'#ent irres'e$i(e of $aste% $lass and se$tariandi(isions% 'o(ert% #isrule% underde(elo'#ent% illitera$ and "a$kwardness. A'art fro# the rolehe 'laed% Nehru too had not "een a"solutel free fro# as a #an $o#'rises negti(es and 'ositi(es "oth. As a #e#"er of the Constituent Asse#"l De"ates% the Co##ittees of it as well as onere'resenting his territor% &andit Jawaharlal Nehru 'laed a $ru$ial role in the #aking of theIndian $onstitution in 'la$ing the re$o##endations% "ringing into #otion% de"ating anddi$ussing to satisfa$tion as a de"ator% lawer% $onstitutionalist% leader and 'oliti$ian and there isno dou"t in it that he del(ed $at$hing the fla#e and fra#e of the endowed #o#ent of the$onstitutional draft% the fe(er and fren of the #ood and te#'era#ent to 're(ail u'on to #ake itha''en. It was no #ean task nor were the #e#"ers inferior to anone0 it was a #atter of law and justi$e% rights and duties% how to (anguard% safeguard it all had "een the 'ri#e $on$ern. A nationon the e(e of inde'enden$e or in the after#ath of it dwelt u'on the things of Britishad#inistration% the $onstitutional re$ords and 'ra$ti$es% no#en$latures and 'roto$ols% $hartersand referendu#s and de$larations of note% A#eri$an 1ren$h% )wiss or Irish to deri(e and drawfro# hea(il. But had it "een settled a#i$a"l and di'lo#ati$all% the su"-$ontinent would notha(e "een s'lit in two. Had the lust for $hair "een sa$rifi$ed% the trau#a and traged% dislo$ationand dis'la$e#ent in ter#s of the $ara(ans of refugees swa''ing their 'la$es% the flu/ onwardsfa$ing the 'erils of the journe and destined to un$ertain re-settle#ent in #akeshift $a#'s $ouldha(e "een a(erted. But the lust ke't it strong. 2e $annot sa who the guilt #en of the&artition3 The legal drafts whi$h the did% the dis$ussions he 'arti$i'ated% the gossi's he shared% thewhis'ers he heard% he had "een a witness of all that% the re$ords e(idential and referential. &andit


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